
Lifting each other up and cheering each other on

Welcome to the Sports + Fitness Hub. Our group training sessions will equip you with the knowledge, motivation and support you’ll need to surpass your goals, change your body and feel better both physically and mentally.

Lets do this

We run a varied timetable of lively group training sessions at the HUB. Each one is unique and designed to work on the strength and conditioning of your body.

Our sessions are high intensity and challenging but, more importantly, fun and rewarding. During every session with us, you’ll burn a considerable amount of body fat while becoming fitter, leaner and stronger.

Your current fitness level is not important – it’s your attitude that counts. Our motto ‘You Against You’ means that we don’t try to compete against each other, only ourselves. At the HUB you’ll train alongside likeminded people who are committed to working hard to achieve their goals but, also, to supporting each other on the same journey.

You can expect raised heart rates, high-intensity rounds, lifting, squatting, pressing, pushing, pulling, rotating and lunging. It might sound brutal but, don’t worry, it’s brilliant and our routines are designed in a way that ensure everybody can take part.

We also run regular spin sessions. Our indoor cycling classes are inspired by the latest trends in London, New York and LA. If you’re looking to inject some fun into your workout, our calorie-busting, energy-intensive sessions will do just that. We sprint, climb, jump and breakthrough the barriers as a team to the best banging tunes. See you on the saddle!

We offer different payment options to suit your needs, including pay as you go, class pass, and monthly membership. To find out which option is right for you, please check out our FAQ’s section.

Slam ball session | Sports + Fitness HUB | East Lothian
Sports + Fitness HUB Logo white | East Lothian
"HUB connect has been fabulous throughout lockdown. I have refocused my diet, lost almost a stone and love that the support is there to keep me pushing forward."

The flexibility of HUB connect is great for stepping away from your desk or whenever you have a 45-minute free period. Getting a sweat on can help you deal with work pressures, leaving you feeling refreshed and refocused for the rest of your day.


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